
What Our Tutors and Students Say

Testimonials from Around the World


This program is a life saver

This program is a life saver.

I now understand better what I read. Being from France, I had trouble studying English even though I speak the language well.

It is now easier for me to read, as the words I didn’t totally understand were not the big complicated words, but the small simple words!

I now have a lot of hope that doing the entire program will help me become completely literate in English, and that I will be able to study any subject I want.

Thanks to William and Megan for coming up with this amazing and very doable program.

It is the best literacy program I have encountered so far!!!

November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


These are the nuts and bolts of the English language

All my life I did not know what I didn’t know. From today I will know what I know even if it is only one word (the word at). It is a start! These are the nuts and bolts of the English language. I now have a communication tool with which I can express place and location. I didn’t get it until I got it.

What was life like before? When I was supposed to learn I ran away. I didn’t know there was a structure of learning. My aunt was an academic. She worked for the government and told me, “If you cannot spell and read like the other guys, you will be called stupid.”

I felt guilty and ashamed. In the past, I was running a program to protect myself. That’s how I existed. I ran away!

When my kids came home for homework I went fishing! I would go to the end of the river with the fishing rod because I didn’t know how to communicate with anybody, including my daughters. I had to run away from my kids. I didn’t want to be confronted with the embarrassment that I couldn’t help. I felt guilt and shame all my life because I couldn’t spell, read, or write as the other guys could.

My mental health was very fragile. Nobody presented me with a system of learning and understanding. I never had that awareness that I could communicate through English.

Expression comes in many guises. I was looking for satisfaction. Something I was good at: the kitchen. Here, I had my structure and I knew what I had to do.

I knew something was missing, but I was not aware of what was missing.

Ollie the Elephant is what I was looking for my whole life! In my education, this was hidden from the start. This is what was missing. I didn’t know that I didn’t know.

This program is like it’s made from heaven. This is amazing! The gradient work in it made communication so much easier and with that clarity of communication.

With that level of communication, I can express myself. I can be me.

February, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


Communicates in English after eight days

A new drug rehabilitations trainee was recently routed onto the Ollie program, so as to learn English fast. One of the Algerians volunteered to help her get through the program at our office. They worked seven hours per day, for eight days.

At first, she spoke zero English. After the first day she said, “I now confront to speak English.”

After eight days on Ollie the Elephant — Learning Made Easy, she now communicates in English.

Thank you Megan and William for this program. I love it. I wish you further the best of success!!!

Social Betterment Director
November, 2023
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


This is exactly what we have been searching for!

It’s a Miracle! It involves a revolutionary approach to learning, focusing on simple words with easy-to-understand illustrations and drills.

The simplicity and effectiveness of this method are truly mind-blowing. There are 164 booklets available, each dedicated to the meaning of a simple, complete with illustrations featuring an elephant.

This is exactly what we have been searching for!

United States
July, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


It is like looking through a window which has been cleaned

I like to work with words and their meanings. After thoroughly clearing up the word and, I can perceive it much clearer. It is like looking through a window which has been cleaned.

Now, when I will work with text and teach, this word will no longer disturb me. I will not need to think about it, and I will have more attention available for the rest of my work.

Thank you for pleasant experience!

Translator and ESL Teacher
Czech Republic
November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


After 40 years, I finally began to understand English

Even though I have been speaking, reading, and writing English for more than 40 years (and fluently for 30 years ), it is only now that I found out I was using this language incorrectly.

It was only because my viewpoint of certain words, like of, was that “it was part of the language and did not have own meaning,” and that it is “only used in a certain way.”

This was preventing me from understanding some sentences.

I had to make sentences in such a way as to avoid the use of these misunderstood words!

This began to change during this course [Ollie the Elephant].

I finally began to understand English.

I think I also began to understand the Slovak language itself.  It is a bit of a surprising realization — but that is even more fantastic.

November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


So simple, but so effective.

This is really fantastic. So simple, but so effective. Thank you for creating this method.

November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


My ability to duplicate what I read and speak increased

After finishing (actually, already while doing) the words from Part One, I realized my ability to duplicate what I read and speak increased very much. Also the speed in which I do it rose.

And on top of it, I started to recognize the other small words for which I still had no full concept, although, till now, I had thought that I did have it.

November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


This is something that is not easy to learn in other English courses

It was my first time participating in the English course. I learned the usage of the word “at.” This is very interesting. The materials give me the examples and also shows me how to use “at” in sentences. So I could quickly understand and apply them.

This is something that is not easy to learn in other English courses. It helped me clarify the definition of “at.”

I feel more confident to use “at.” I recommend this course to all my friends who need to learn English. Thank you Paula and Grace, you are the best.

New Zealand
October, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


I feel like a screen has been taken off

While doing step one of the exercises for the word “does” things completely changed in my mind. Suddenly there was an unveiling of the truth of the simplicity of these two words, and I could see there was a very distinct difference.

This is a huge epiphany!

I feel like a screen has been taken off and I can understand better!!!!

United States
October, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words

Working with a drug rehabilitation graduate

I have used the Ollie the Elephant booklets with great success.

Yesterday I presented them to a group of people to explain successful applications with a former drug rehab graduate. He struggled so heavily, and I found he was illiterate.

I used the booklets to teach him reading. After that, he was able to study a booklet on personal values, saying, “I can read! I can understand that!”

Then he completed a course in life improvement, and graduated with tremendous success.

Stunning! He turned into a responsible, thriving person in literally two weeks.

Social Betterment Director
March, 2022
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words

I can read more easily

Now, having done all seven parts of the full Ollie the Elephant: English Basic Words program I can see even more that every person on the planet needs it.

Why? Real clarification of those “little-big” words is simply the foundation of everything in the language.

A comparison comes to mind: when one wants concrete, one has to mix some little rocks, sand, water, and cement. Cement is the glue that makes that mixture super-strong, and a skyscraper or a bridge can be built with it. Without it, one would only have wet sand and rocks mixed together. I think no one would want to walk over a bridge built with wet sand and rocks. Actually, there would be no bridge at all. Just a pile of sand and rocks.

And I would say that the “cement” is those words being clarified on the Ollie program. As without it, one can’t really understand a language and be understood when trying to express himself.

Without them one can’t really go to dictionary and read what the other “big” words mean. Or read anything, from newspapers to textbooks in schools, or job descriptions at work.

I’m writer of textbooks for pupils in schools, and even with quite a good understanding of grammar, words, and language, I still had many realizations throughout the program. I also feel that I myself can read more easily and more smoothly.

Once again I would like to thank the creators for making this program, and for investing thousands and thousands of hours to make it in this super simple way.

Thank you!

December, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


Life changing and life saving

Before this program, when I studied, I would quickly fall asleep. I was non-functional. I would just be fighting to stay awake. Instructors would ask when this started. I would reply that it started when I walked in the room, the first day. Nothing seemed to work.

I heard about the Ollie the Elephant program from a dear friend. It just indicated and I reached out to William and purchased the program.

When I started the program I would go “lights out” as soon as we opened a booklet. After hours of work though, this lessened and lessened to where now the phenomena is very light. I learned so much doing Ollie the Elephant, I now UNDERSTAND what the simple words are doing. They actually make sense. They have a purpose.

I also did the first portion of the Grammar program that William and Megan are writing. It’s amazing. Now when I clear a word I actually look at the part of speech and it makes sense, and frankly I can’t fully clear a word without looking at that. Before I tried to not-is that info in the dictionary as I didn’t understand it.

This program is literally life changing and life saving. It is changing my study life around and I feel certain that I can now win on study. My situation wasn’t simply one of not persevering or having enough discipline, but one of missing/confused data.

I think this program is key and can debug lots of people. Frankly, I think everyone should do it, as I think it will speed up study speed for everyone and increase correct application.

I really can’t say enough positive about this program. I think it’s vital.

United States
October, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words, The Young Genius Grammar Series



I am no longer afraid to speak English

My name is Vipin, and I live at a slum in South Delhi.

When I started this program, I did not believe that I would be able to learn to speak English. But now I am realizing that I will be able to learn English very well. Before this, I was afraid to speak English. I wasn’t able to speak even basic simple words. I didn’t dare to speak English in front of anyone. I was embarrassed and I thought that people would just laugh at me, so I didn’t even try to speak English.

But after just a few days on the program, I realized that I can learn to speak English, that I will become fluent, and that I can learn to speak like a “gentleman.” Through the methods used on this program, I have found confidence in speaking. And even though I still make mistakes, this no longer bothers me. I know that to learn English, I need to practice and not worry about mistakes.

I have learned how to communicate with others, I am no longer afraid to speak English. I no longer hesitate. I have gained the confidence to speak. I could never even look at others before. Now I can face anyone! I’m no longer embarrassed about making mistakes, I know you can’t learn if you don’t practice.

The conditions in our slum are completely miserable. Despite this, parents send their children to government schools, in hopes of getting them an education. For some reason, however, the children are not able to learn in those schools. Some parents try to get their children a tuition, but the fees charged are way too high for us to afford. At other times, the families are so desperate, that the children need to work instead of go to school.

Now I have started to teach in my slum with the help of Charity United. The changes in the children in my slum have been amazing. The program is so simple, yet powerful. Hope has been restored to the children. You can see it in their eyes. You can see their dreams that had faded have come back to life and they again believe that a future is possible.

The parents are seeing this too. Because of the program, they too have started believing in education. As the word is getting round, the parents are now sending their children to our class. Every day we have 5 to 10 new students.

Our students are doing fantastic. They are learning new words every day, and with the use of flashcards, we are laying in the foundation of their education. We make sure that the students understand what each new word means, and we are building their English vocabulary.

If you don’t believe what I am saying, please feel free to come to our slum. You can personally check the students and you will see that they are really learning! You will see them actually using what they have learned. The children are starting to speak English among themselves. They take pride in using what they have learned.

The only thing that is holding us back now is materials. We are teaching in a field, or under the bridge, if it rains. We need a safe place to teach. We also need access to safe water for the students to drink, and we need the same materials for every student.

With these simple basics in place, I am confident we can have a better future. Our slum, in time, will cease to be a slum, but a place worth living. I know we can do this.

Volunteer Tutor
August, 2020
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


My accounting firm achieved its highest-ever annual production and income

During my learning experience early on in the program and midway through the program, I achieved rapid duplication in my reading and data processing.

My turnaround time increased by 50%, and my ability to get work done was smoother and less stressful. I was able to spend more time with my staff to achieve higher goals.

In the last two months of 2023, my production was so high that my accounting firm achieved its highest-ever annual production and income in its 33-year history.

I know this was based on my ability to duplicate and process data faster and more accurately and better communicate with my staff.

CPA and Business Owner
United States
October, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


Thank you for the stability

Thank you for the word drilling. Since starting, I’ve seen my production levels increase.

Eight years ago, it could take me anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours to clear up the meaning of a word. Now, it happened as fast as five minutes or less.

More than that, you’ve helped me handle a source of trauma that has been going on since I was a child. Without being entirely aware of it, I was constantly getting upset by being abandoned by others. It started before the age of ten. My father would leave for three months at a time and I cried myself to sleep so many times. I couldn’t even tell you how many times it happened.

When he passed away in 2010, it was so overwhelming that I would break down emotionally when alone and it’s been a big ruin in my life.
Now that I’m in present time, I’ve realized I can handle it, that I’m okay with being rejected, being left alone; because I’ve noticed that I can still progress and improve regardless of having someone there for me or not.

Thank you for the stability.

United States
October, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


My life and activities are aligning

There have been many success so far, but I had a really cool one tonight!

I was thinking about how my life and activities are aligning rather effortlessly these days with some new endeavors I am working on!

I realized that when one is setting goals or making plans, knowing the simple words means that one’s thoughts and DECISIONS become more precise!

I am finding that my goals are being accomplished very quickly!

Also I know that understanding words and language helps one to organize one’s thoughts and actions, so things “happen” more quickly in my own world and in the world around me.

United States
November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


I can express myself

I have definitely experienced an improvement in my literacy, and not just in my ability to understand fully what I read. I have also improved my ability to express myself without effort and to feel that I am understood.

Additionally, when I hear the English language, my ability to recognize when I do or don’t understand what I hear is much sharper.

I am much happier with my new ability and feel I can finally honestly help students.

United States
November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


Using Ollie the Elephant in the slums of India

My name is Poonam. I am a bachelor of Arts, second year, at Delhi University. The area I live in has many slums; there is a lack of facilities, and there are no schools or educational institutions nearby. That is why many children are unable to take classes or get educated.

In our slum, the children want to study, and they have lots of drive, but they don’t study. This is because there are no schools nearby, and no opportunities to study. They do not have any opportunity. But, over the last month, conditions in our area have improved.

Charity United has started to make education available to the slum children. They did so by starting small classes in the open field. The main focus is to make equality a reality: that everyone has a right to education. Together Unique Coaching Center and Charity United have begun to make education available to the slum children. They are providing essential materials such as books, pens, pencils, blackboard, markers, etc.

After education was made available directly in the slums, the children have changed. They love the classes and are interested in learning. There is a new look on their faces. You can see the children walk around and shine.

The students are very excited about the daily classes. They always arrive before the teacher! Because of the methods used to teach, the students are eager to learn. They lose their sense of time! They will stay as long as we give a class. We could teach them all day without losing their interest.

Now the students are very interested, and come to class every day.

I am getting the training from Charity United. I have learned how to give a class, how to keep the students interested, how to deal with the children in a caring manner, and most of all how to get the students through their study difficulties.

The method is completely different from what I am used to, but it is amazingly powerful. The children change in front of your eyes.

Charity United and Unique Coaching have played a vital role in making our dreams possible.

It has become clear to me that their aim is to establish equality for all in the world, not just India. But they are doing this through action, not through words.

Thank you, Charity United and Unique Coaching Center.

Volunteer Tutor
July, 2020
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


The mentality and outlook of the children has completely changed!

Before we established the classes, the children did not go to school, and the parents were not sure whether the children should go to school or not. They did not understand how important it was to go to school, or why. How can parents know this, when they themselves have never had the opportunity to go to school or get an education?

Thanks to Charity United and Unique Coaching Center, this has changed.

The children are studying well, and are having fun doing so. We now have hope that we can do something with our lives. We know we can grow up to be good people and be something that families can be proud of!

What have the children learned so far?

They have learned so many basic things! We are understanding things better, we are speaking better, and we have gained confidence in studying. I have learned how to educate the other children in the village, I have learned the meanings of many words, and I can now understand what I read. I have more confidence in life, and get along with the village elders better.

The mentality and outlook of the children has completely changed! They have become interested in learning to read and write, and they have hope for the future. The change has been so great, that even the parents have hope for the first time. They have changed their minds about the importance of education. The parents are now supporting education as they have seen the changes in the children since we started this program.

What do the children think now? After starting the classes, the parents have realized that the children are really learning. Both the parents and the children have hope that they can learn to read well.

My own personal experience is as follows:

I have completed my 12th class in government school. I tried to get personal tuition, but it was too expensive, so I had to stop. However, thanks to Charity United and Unique Coaching Center, I was able to continue receiving an education. Thanks to their program, I am beginning to learn English. I am learning how to teach, I am learning how to speak to others, and I have a future.

We still have many challenges. The rains, for example, wash out our “schoolground” in the village. But with the things I am learning, at least we have a chance to change the future.

Thank you Charity United and Unique Coaching Center.

Volunteer Tutor
July, 2020
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


My assimilation is faster and stronger

I am very impressed with the simple words course. I feel my certainty returning/increasing with each word.

My study is faster and my duplication, and most importantly, my assimilation, is faster and stronger.

Thank you for making this available, and I am excited to see the impact it has on society.

November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


An amazing and transformative program

This was an amazing and transformative program! Getting a firm easy understanding of simple common words has given much greater certainty in life, in study, and in communication.

This is one of the most important programs to effective positive change on this planet. I have gained a much more exact understanding of anything I read, to the point it has opened up my willingness to confront and handle every area of my life.

My ability to read and immediately do has dramatically improved. Thank you Megan and William Tucker.

Super Body
May, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


Helped me fill in gaps in my understanding and duplication

I have never considered myself a slow or bugged student. I also have taught for over 15 years (Spanish, English, French, Italian, and Portuguese).

I knew there was missing understanding with regards to simple words, but I could never bring myself to confront these, because “traditional” dictionaries don’t make it easy.

This program has helped me fill in gaps in my understanding and duplication. It has made me an even faster student now that I know with full certainty what I have misunderstood, without over-thinking or looking all over the text to find it (sometimes even going all the way back to the beginning of the text or earlier tests!)

What a waste of time that was.

Thank you, Megan and William!

October, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


Tutor Testimonial

I have a 4 year old [student] who has never set foot in a school. He is now starting to READ these little sentences of the Ollie books. He really likes the pictures and he can overcome the barriers easily. (which surprises me a lot). With this [student], I do mainly work from only the Ollie books.

… He is still concentrated on the lesson for the full 30 minutes. Very rare for that age.

United Kingdom
August, 2021


Parent Testimonial

I just went through this book fully for the first time and can’t wait to read it with my granddaughter.

She’s a beginning reader, but I’ve seen this technique work beautifully with teen-aged students becoming more proficient in English. These are the words we all think we know, and seldom really do.

This book is beautiful, and the artwork is perfect for the younger beginners. An elementary school teacher I showed it to is equally enthusiastic about the book.

August, 2021


Accurate and well-communicated

These materials have required much precision, and I have found each part to be extremely accurate and well communicated.

The simple words come with drills that fully get the word to conceptual understanding. I have done bits and pieces of this program on my own and was greatly helped with these definitions and clarity of which they are laid out.

Before this, I was tripping over certain uses of simple words, but I now have a much-increased level of awareness and comprehension of this.

Student and Tutor
September, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words



This was englighting. It was easy to do, but more difficult than you might think, because you have to sort out the different definitions of the simple English words that you use all the time. And now I know four of these words really well.

November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words


I love it!

This is helping me a lot to really understand English!
Thank you for all that you are doing for us. I love it!!!

November, 2024
Subject:Ollie the Elephant – English Basic Words